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Hostel Review : Camping Village Jolly

In June, I am planning to write a lot about my journey to Italy which was . . . exactly a year ago. So, as a starting post, I would like to share a hostel review of Camping Village Jolly. :) 

Camping Village Jolly is a backpacker "home" for those travelling to Venice. It is located in the mainland and it takes around 15 minutes long journey from the nearest bus stop to Venice. 

Camping Jolly to Venice on google maps

The nearest bus stop is 15 minutes away from the Village, but if you are too tired to walk, Camping Village Jolly provides shuttle bus service. You have to check the shuttle schedule once you land your feet in Camping Village Jolly and book it right away - because it is limited! Also, you have to spend your Euro if you want to use the shuttle bus service. I forgot how much it is, but it should cost less than 5 Euros. :) 
Note from me: if you take the night shuttle service, the bus stops in Tronchento and you could not go there without using "people mover". The people mover station located nearby the bus stop in Venice and it costs 1 Euro per person. 
 People mover station (left) and ticket (right)
Move forward, maybe some of you are still wondering why the name is "Camping Village". Well, the reason is simply because it really is a camping village. So, in this place, you rent a tent instead of a room, or a summer house instead of apartment. But, don't imagine that you will sleep in a sleeping bag, or have to share a room with mosquitoes. Instead the tent has air condition, (real) bed and bathroom. Does not it amazing? 

There are types of tent in Camping Village Jolly. You could choose whatever you want - depends on whom you are going to travelling with. In my cases, I rent two tents because I travel with another 5 fellow travelers. So, I book tent that could accomodate 3 person - as it is the cheapest tent available at that time. 

At first I thought that they only have one type of tent, but it turns out there are many types of tent - or perhaps summer houses are more suitable. 

I really love this house and I wonder why I did not book this, but well, I have no idea how much it costs. 
I believe the price is doubled or perhaps tripled than my "house". 

Summer house (?)  for rent in camping village jolly
Above is my dream "house", but in reality this is my "house" in Camping Jolly. In 2012, it costed around 60 Euros per night for a house. 

It is small (and cute), and surprisingly quite comfortable. There are three beds, two are normal beds and one is located above the small desk - erm, should I say it as a bunk bed? 

2 beds and . . .
1 bunk bed
And the last is the real tent. Okay, so my house is not a tent, but a house (?). 

Row of tents in camping village jolly

Well, maybe I am just fortunate that I book the right tent (or house?), because I also read some reviews about people complaining this and that while staying in Camping Village Jolly. But, never take reviews too seriously because everyone will have different opinion. :) 

AND the last thing, they have some facilities like free wifi, swimming pool, bar and restaurant! When the night came, you could hear many backpackers having a party there. 

Overall Rating: 7.6 / 10

Facility : 8.5 / 10 
Service : 8 / 10
Price : 8 / 10
Location : 6 / 10 


You could book a tent / a house in Camping Jolly via online through these websites:  


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